What athletes say about Argi+

Lactate is the salt of lactic acid and is considered an indicator of physical performance.

Stefan Schmid, Triathlon World Champion: “Who has less lactate, is more successful.”

Three-time Ironman winner Kristin Möller, German MTB marathon champion Markus Kaufmann and 12-hour MTB world champion Rupert Palmberger will also talk about the impact of Forever’s ARGI+® on their performance.

Video in German!

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Source: YouTube – Forever

What the doctor says about Argi+

Dr. med. Franz Wendlik, specialist in general medicine, naturopathic medicine, sports medicine and acupuncture, talks about the results of the study on 17 footballers who have taken ARGI+® from Forever for a long time and the positive results, such as an average 15% lower lactate value.

Video in German!

<script src="https://ubuntusoft.cdn.vooplayer.com/assets/vooplayer.js"></script><iframe allow="autoplay" class="video-player-container vooplayer" data-playerId="NzcxMTU=" allowtransparency="true" style="max-width:100%" name="vooplayerframe" allowfullscreen="true" src="" watch-type="" url-params="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"> </iframe>
Source: YouTube – Forever

What Forever says about Argi+

  • Ideal for athletic people with high muscle strain
  • Improves the ability to regenerate after exercise
  • Increases the body’s defenses
  • Product of the Kölner Liste (The Kölner Liste® continues to be the first and largest doping prevention platform for food supplements worldwide)

How can you test Argi+?

You just have to try such a product to feel the effect yourself. Usually 1 to 2 sticks are enough.

You will receive 5 sticks if you give us your name, e-mail address, telephone number and postal address to which you would like your ARGI+® to be sent. Afterwards please confirm your registration by clicking on the link in the e-mail received from us. Our privacy policy can be found under “Imprint”.

10 days after delivery you will receive a short call with information about how you liked ARGI+®.

Important – 2+1 action:

For your feedback, you qualify for our 2+1 promotion: when you buy 2 packs of ARGI+® through our store, 35 days later, you will receive another pack for free at your delivery address – that’s a 33% discount!

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://app.getresponse.com/view_webform_v2.js?u=S3OQ&webforms_id=B3Vm3"></script>

Where can you buy Argi+?

ARGI+® replenishes energy quickly thanks to an ideal combination of L-arginine and a sophisticated complex of vitamins. To improve the lactate value in competitive sports. The practical portion bags are perfect for traveling. Simply plug it in for the gym or while traveling. Available in our online shop – just click on the product image or the price:

What fits Argi+?

Some more products for athletes, of course, all on the Kölner Liste.

FAB X - FOREVER Active Boost™

The healthy energy alternative with all vitamins, amino acids and electrolytes.

Forever Ultra™ Vanilla Shake Mix

High protein shake. Pure vegetarian with vitamins and trace elements

Forever Ultra™ Chocolate Shake Mix

High protein shake. Pure vegetarian with vitamins and trace elements

FOREVER Active Boost™

With guarana and a combination of a unique blend of herbs and precious B vitamins.

FOREVER Freedom®

A true fitness drink made from pure aloe vera gel with natural orange juice concentrate.

Forever FastBreak™

Vitamins, minerals, high-quality protein, valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids and filling fiber

Regenerated quickly